
Just a few kilometers from our Hotel, you can visit Turin, with all its cultural heritage, its museums, and architectural works. Discover the most popular attractions in the capital of Piedmont,
including the Egyptian Museum, the Mole Antonelliana, the Palazzo Reale, the National Car Museum, the Basilica di Superga, Palazzo Madama, Venaria Reale and much more.

The heart of Turin from where three very important streets start: Via Roma, Via Po and Via Garibaldi

PALAZZO REALE, P.zza Castello – Tel 011/43.61.455

PALAZZO MADAMA, P.zza Castello – Tel 011/44.29.912

LA MOLE ANTONELLIANA: It’s the most famous landmark building inTurin where you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic
view of the city. Via Montebello, 20 – Tel. 011/81.25.658

DUOMO, P.zza S.Giovanni, 2 – Tel 011/43.61.512

CHIESA DEL CORPUS DOMINI – P.zza Corpus Domini – Tel 011/43.66.025

SANTUARIO DELLA CONSOLATA – P.zza della Consolata – Tel 011/43.63.235

BASILICA DI SUPERGA – Strada della Basilica di Superga – Tel 011/89.80.083

BALON: every second Sunday of the month, open
air market located in Borgo Dora.

TORINO CARD € 15,00 (48 ore)
Free admissions or discounted tickets for museums,guided tours, opera and theater shows, airport shuttle bus.
info: www.turismotorino.org